About our Master Teachers 

Ixchel has taught, choreographed, and performed in the northern Colorado region since 1990. From her years of performing professionally and studying classical ballet and modern dance with many master teachers, Ixchel has a wide breadth of experience to share with her students. Known for her precision in teaching proper technique, she gears towards minimizing injury and maximizing consistent student progress. Ixchel seeks to share the art and soul of dance with all who come into her classes, and carefully nurtures the gifts and beauty in each of her students. She has choreographed and directed many classical and contemporary ballets and currently does so for her ballet school, Front Range Classical Ballet Academy and for its associated semi-professional company, Front Range Contemporary Ballet.

Master Class at 10:00

Learn a combination of port de bras (arm movements) and European folk dance as essential elements in ballet

Alison has enjoyed various forms of dance since age 10. For the past 20 years she has immersed herself in the rhythms, culture, and dance of West Africa, learning with master teachers from Guinea, Ghana, Mali, Togo, and beyond. She performs locally with Dance Afrik (formerly known as Falé). As an occupational therapist, she supports creativity in youth and adults with disabilities.

Master Class at 11:00:

Introduction to West African dance, hear the rhythm as a conversation with the drum, gain ideas of drum and dance culture, and learn steps of a celebration dance!

Vicky is originally from Mexico. She moved to the US when I was 13 and has lived in Colorado ever since. She moved to Fort Collins in 2007 for university and graduated from CSU with an undergrad in civil engineering. She now works at Woodward Governor as an aerospace engineer. Her hobbies include rock climbing, salsa dancing, and knitting. She started dancing salsa in 2011 and has been part of the Fort Collins Salsa Collective since 2019. Vicky's goal is to stay active in the community to share with people the joy of dancing.

Master Class at 12:30

Class includes the basic footwork for salsa. From the basics, if we are comfortable, we will move on to some partner work that includes turns and movement such as cross body lead.

Yvonne, the owner of Willow Tree Studios: Online Fitness for Active Agers has been a student of Tai Chi for over a decade and a teacher for 8 years. She loves the flowing movement and meditative aspect of Tai Chi. From a health and wellness perspective, Tai Chi helps improve balance, strength, coordination and reduces stress. 

Visit willowtreestudios.net to see our wide variety of classes along with daily movement breaks. Moving throughout the day keeps our brains and bodies functioning optimally.

Master Class 1:30

Practice meditation in motion, activate your chi (energy) with gentle, fluid movement that improves your mental and physical balance.